Author's biography
The herpetofauna of a small and unprotected patch of tropical
rainforest in Morningside, Sri Lanka. Peter Janzen and Malaka Bopage. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
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Ex-situ breeding
projects for the preservation of endangered amphibian species.
Dr. PETER JANZEN works with Neurergus as part of his mission to save as many endangered
amphibian species in Conservation Breeding Programs as possible, and to provide knowledge about amphibians in
scientific publications and to the public. Peter has travelled globally to experience the species and habitats for
reptiles and amphibians.
This project is a cooperation with nearly all zoological organizations in Germany and with
high experienced private keepers of amphibians. It is the first time that such a lot of different partners are
cooperating for the preservation of a group of animals. Peter coordinates the exchange of knowledge and the
definition of target species and the transfer of breeding specimen to other facilities and later for
re-introduction into the natural environment.
Peter works to establish ex-situ projects getting more information about the species and their breeding
habits. In-situ-projects can use the gained knowledge for their projects and if any species will become lost, the
bred specimens can be used for re-establishing lost populations of extinct and endangered species in the
1. Identifying of relevant species for ex-situ-projects.
2. Gaining success with breeding programs.
3. Publishing of the gained knowledge.
4. Re-establishing lost populations in the field.